• witam dzialalo mi wszystko lecz wywalilo serwer po resecie nie wiem o co chodzi usunolem nawet te pluginy chcialem od nowa je wgrac ale jak uruchomilem bez kitow loot configu i innych z ktorymi byl problem to zaczelo mi wywalac kolejne pluginy

    ostatnie przeciazenie

    01:33 [Info] Loading Oxide Core v2.0.3867...
    01:33 [Info] Loading extensions...
    01:33 [Info] Latest compiler MD5: 8ce6d27e7718e3d164766bba8833537a
    01:33 [Info] Local compiler MD5: 8ce6d27e7718e3d164766bba8833537a
    01:33 [Info] Loaded extension CSharp v2.0.3913 by Oxide and Contributors
    01:33 [Info] Loaded extension Hurtworld v2.0.3911 by Oxide and Contributors
    01:33 [Info] Loaded extension MySql v2.0.3755 by Oxide and Contributors
    01:33 [Info] Loaded extension SQLite v2.0.3754 by Oxide and Contributors
    01:33 [Info] Loaded extension Unity v2.0.3756 by Oxide and Contributors
    01:33 [Info] Using Covalence provider for game 'Hurtworld'
    01:33 [Info] Loading plugins...
    01:33 [Info] Loaded plugin Hurtworld v2.0.3911 by Oxide and Contributors
    01:33 [Info] Loaded plugin Unity v2.0.3756 by Oxide and Contributors
    01:33 [Info] Added '// Reference: UnityEngine.UI' in plugin 'Stacksize'
    01:33 [Info] AdvertMessages, AutoClean, BetterChat, BetterChatFlood, ChatCleaner, CustomMapName, Fly, InfoPlus, Kits, LootConfig, Meteors, NameRewards, NoobMessages, ScatteredItems, Stacksize, SteamGroups and TimedPermissions were compiled successfully in 2678ms
    01:33 [Error] Error while compiling: EventFarming.cs(78,20): error CS0246: The type or namespace name `ItemGeneratorAsset' could not be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?
    01:33 [Error] Error while compiling: InstaSmelt.cs(22,31): error CS0103: The name `RuntimeHurtDB' does not exist in the current context
    01:33 [Error] Error while compiling: Maths.cs(129,17): error CS0246: The type or namespace name `ItemGeneratorAsset' could not be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?
    01:33 [Error] Error while compiling: RollTheDice.cs(427,20): error CS0246: The type or namespace name `EntityFluidEffectKey' could not be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?
    01:33 [Error] Error while compiling: SpeedQuest.cs(55,20): error CS0246: The type or namespace name `ItemGeneratorAsset' could not be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?
    01:33 [Info] [Advert Messages] Advert Messages is showing adverts every 5 minutes.
    01:33 [Info] Loaded plugin Advert Messages v3.0.2 by LaserHydra
    01:33 [Info] Loaded plugin AutoClean v1.0.4 by Noviets
    01:33 [Info] Loaded plugin Better Chat v5.0.16 by LaserHydra
    01:33 [Info] Loaded plugin BetterChatFlood v1.0.5 by Ryan
    01:33 [Warning] [Chat Cleaner] Could not load a valid configuration file, creating a new configuration file at /home/k20997_s15432/server_15432/oxide/config/ChatCleaner.json
    01:33 [Info] Loaded plugin Chat Cleaner v0.4.0 by Wulf/lukespragg
    01:33 [Info] Loaded plugin Custom Map Name v1.2.0 by klauz24
    01:33 [Info] Loaded plugin Fly v1.2.1 by Mughisi
    01:33 [Info] Loaded plugin InfoPlus v1.5.2 by Kaidoz | vk.com/kaidoz
    01:33 [Info] Loaded plugin Kits v1.0.5 by Reneb
    01:33 [Info] Loaded plugin LootConfig v1.0.3 by Nogrod
    01:33 [Info] Loaded plugin Meteors v1.1.3 by Smeag
    01:33 [Info] Loaded plugin NameRewards v1.0.1 by Kappasaurus
    01:33 [Info] Loaded plugin NoobMessages v1.1.0 by Kappasaurus
    01:33 [Info] Loaded plugin ScatteredItems v1.2.0 by !Dark!
    01:33 [Info] Loaded plugin Stacksize v1.1.3 by Noviets
    01:33 [Info] Loaded plugin Steam Groups v0.4.1 by Wulf/lukespragg
    01:33 [Info] Loaded plugin Timed Permissions v1.3.2 by LaserHydra
    01:34 [Info] [ScatteredItems] Start (FPS:18)
    01:34 [Info] [ScatteredItems] End
    01:34 [Info] [ScatteredItems] Start (FPS:48)
    01:34 [Info] [ScatteredItems] End
    01:34 [Info] IP address from Steam query:
    01:34 [Info] [AutoClean] Checked: 0
    01:34 [Info] [AutoClean] Correct: 0
    01:34 [Info] [AutoClean] Pruned:  0
    01:34 [Warning] Missing plugin name prefix 'kits.' for permission 'start' (by plugin 'Kits')
    01:34 [Warning] Missing plugin name prefix 'kits.' for permission 'svip' (by plugin 'Kits')
    01:34 [Warning] Missing plugin name prefix 'kits.' for permission 'evip' (by plugin 'Kits')
    01:34 [Warning] Missing plugin name prefix 'kits.' for permission 'raid2' (by plugin 'Kits')
    01:34 [Warning] Missing plugin name prefix 'kits.' for permission 'vip' (by plugin 'Kits')
    01:34 [Warning] Missing plugin name prefix 'kits.' for permission 'buduj' (by plugin 'Kits')
    01:34 [Warning] Missing plugin name prefix 'kits.' for permission 'pomoc' (by plugin 'Kits')
    01:34 [Warning] Missing plugin name prefix 'kits.' for permission 'ekipa' (by plugin 'Kits')
    01:34 [Warning] Calling 'OnServerInitialized' on 'LootConfig v1.0.3' took 139ms
    01:34 [Info] Server version is:
    01:34 [Info] [Steam Groups] Polling Steam group(s) to get member list
    01:34 [Info] [Steam Groups] Checking Steam group id grupy steam, starting from page 1
    01:34 [Info] [Steam Groups] Found 0 member(s) in id grupy steam to check
    01:34 [Info] [Steam Groups] Added 0 member(s) in id grupy steam to queue
  • Globalny moderator

    @Rymuz z tego co widzę to próbujesz chyba wgrywać pluginy z wersji v2 na wersję v1

  • @Kub41Tap wyrzucilem te wszystkie pluginy i wgralem do v1 z strony od was ale wraz mam tak samo a noescape do v1 nie moglem wogugle znalezc kity juz dzialaja i nie wywala serwa no ale roll name rewards matematyka dropek autclean
    dalej nie dziala probowalem tez wrzucic tp i tez jest problem

    20:38 [Error] Error while compiling: ExtTeleport.cs(1830,66): error CS1061: Type `PlayerInventory' does not contain a definition for `GetTotalItemCount' and no extension method `GetTotalItemCount' of type `PlayerInventory' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?

    a z zawansowanym systemem banow pokazuje takie cos

    20:14 [Warning] [EnhancedBanSystem] You must enable at least one Ban System to use this plugin!
    20:13 [Info] Loading Oxide Core v2.0.3867...
    20:13 [Info] Loading extensions...
    20:13 [Info] Latest compiler MD5: 8ce6d27e7718e3d164766bba8833537a
    20:13 [Info] Local compiler MD5: 8ce6d27e7718e3d164766bba8833537a
    20:13 [Info] Loaded extension CSharp v2.0.3913 by Oxide and Contributors
    20:13 [Info] Loaded extension Hurtworld v2.0.3911 by Oxide and Contributors
    20:13 [Info] Loaded extension MySql v2.0.3755 by Oxide and Contributors
    20:13 [Info] Loaded extension SQLite v2.0.3754 by Oxide and Contributors
    20:13 [Info] Loaded extension Unity v2.0.3756 by Oxide and Contributors
    20:13 [Info] Using Covalence provider for game 'Hurtworld'
    20:13 [Info] Loading plugins...
    20:13 [Info] Loaded plugin Hurtworld v2.0.3911 by Oxide and Contributors
    20:13 [Info] Loaded plugin Unity v2.0.3756 by Oxide and Contributors
    20:13 [Info] Added '// Reference: UnityEngine.UI' in plugin 'Stacksize'
    20:13 [Info] AdvertMessages, BetterChat, BetterChatFlood, CustomMapName, EnhancedBanSystem, Fly, HWNoClip, HWTimeControl, InfoPlus, Kits, LootConfig, Meteors, NameRewards, ScatteredItems, Stacksize, SteamGroups and TimedPermissions were compiled successfully in 2822ms
    20:13 [Error] Error while compiling: AutoClean.cs(145,114): error CS1061: Type `uLink.NetworkView' does not contain a definition for `HNetworkView' and no extension method `HNetworkView' of type `uLink.NetworkView' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?
    20:13 [Error] Error while compiling: ClearInventory.cs(50,70): error CS1061: Type `Inventory' does not contain a definition for `RemoveItem' and no extension method `RemoveItem' of type `Inventory' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?
    20:13 [Error] Error while compiling: EventFarming.cs(78,20): error CS0246: The type or namespace name `ItemGeneratorAsset' could not be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?
    20:13 [Error] Error while compiling: Maths.cs(129,17): error CS0246: The type or namespace name `ItemGeneratorAsset' could not be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?
    20:13 [Error] Error while compiling: RollTheDice.cs(427,20): error CS0246: The type or namespace name `EntityFluidEffectKey' could not be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?
    20:13 [Info] [Advert Messages] Advert Messages is showing adverts every 5 minutes.
    20:13 [Info] Loaded plugin Advert Messages v3.0.2 by LaserHydra
    20:13 [Info] Loaded plugin Better Chat v5.0.16 by LaserHydra
    20:13 [Info] Loaded plugin BetterChatFlood v1.0.5 by Ryan
    20:13 [Info] Loaded plugin Custom Map Name v1.2.0 by klauz24
    20:13 [Info] Loaded plugin EnhancedBanSystem v5.2.3 by Reneb/Slut
    20:13 [Info] Loaded plugin Fly v1.2.1 by Mughisi
    20:13 [Info] Loaded plugin HWNoClip v1.0.0 by klauz24
    20:13 [Info] Loaded plugin HW Time Control v1.5.0 by klauz24
    20:13 [Info] Loaded plugin InfoPlus v1.5.2 by Kaidoz | vk.com/kaidoz
    20:13 [Info] Loaded plugin Kits v1.0.5 by Reneb
    20:13 [Info] Loaded plugin LootConfig v1.0.3 by Nogrod
    20:13 [Info] Loaded plugin Meteors v1.1.3 by Smeag
    20:13 [Error] NameRewards v1.0.1: Failed to load config file (is the config file corrupt?) (Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: G. Path 'Phrases', line 3, position 14.)
    20:13 [Error] Failed to initialize plugin 'NameRewards v1.0.1' (JsonReaderException: Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: G. Path 'Phrases', line 3, position 15.)
      at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonTextReader.ReadStringValue (ReadType readType) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
      at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonTextReader.ReadAsString () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
      at Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonSerializerInternalReader.ReadForType (Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader reader, Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonContract contract, Boolean hasConverter) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
      at Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonSerializerInternalReader.PopulateList (IList list, Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader reader, Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonArrayContract contract, Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonProperty containerProperty, System.String id) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
    20:13 [Info] Unloaded plugin NameRewards v1.0.1 by Kappasaurus
    20:13 [Info] No previous version to rollback plugin: NameRewards
    20:13 [Info] Loaded plugin ScatteredItems v1.2.0 by !Dark!
    20:13 [Info] Loaded plugin Stacksize v1.1.3 by Noviets
    20:13 [Info] Loaded plugin Steam Groups v0.4.1 by Wulf/lukespragg
    20:13 [Info] Loaded plugin Timed Permissions v1.3.2 by LaserHydra
    20:13 [Info] [ScatteredItems] Start (FPS:18)
    20:13 [Info] [ScatteredItems] End
    20:13 [Info] [ScatteredItems] Start (FPS:18)
    20:13 [Info] [ScatteredItems] End
    20:14 [Info] [ScatteredItems] Start (FPS:29)
    20:14 [Info] [ScatteredItems] End
    20:14 [Info] IP address from Steam query:
    20:14 [Warning] [EnhancedBanSystem] You must enable at least one Ban System to use this plugin!
    20:14 [Info] Unloaded plugin EnhancedBanSystem v5.2.3 by Reneb/Slut
    20:14 [Info] 
    20:14 [Warning] Missing plugin name prefix 'kits.' for permission 'start' (by plugin 'Kits')
    20:14 [Warning] Missing plugin name prefix 'kits.' for permission 'svip' (by plugin 'Kits')
    20:14 [Warning] Missing plugin name prefix 'kits.' for permission 'evip' (by plugin 'Kits')
    20:14 [Warning] Missing plugin name prefix 'kits.' for permission 'raid2' (by plugin 'Kits')
    20:14 [Warning] Missing plugin name prefix 'kits.' for permission 'vip' (by plugin 'Kits')
    20:14 [Warning] Missing plugin name prefix 'kits.' for permission 'buduj' (by plugin 'Kits')
    20:14 [Warning] Missing plugin name prefix 'kits.' for permission 'pomoc' (by plugin 'Kits')
    20:14 [Warning] Missing plugin name prefix 'kits.' for permission 'ekipa' (by plugin 'Kits')
    20:14 [Warning] Calling 'OnServerInitialized' on 'LootConfig v1.0.3' took 421ms [GARBAGE COLLECT]
    20:14 [Info] Server version is:
    20:14 [Info] [Steam Groups] Polling Steam group(s) to get member list
  • Globalny moderator

    @Rymuz Pluginy które nie działają są na wersję ItemV2
    NameRewards nie działa ponieważ jest błąd w konfiguracji
    Tutaj masz pluginy które nie działają

  • @Kub41Tap wiekszosc zadziala juz lecz gdy wchodze na server i wpisuje /o.show perms chat sie laguje i nie widac co kto pisze ale komendy dzialaja i kity takie rzeczy nie wiem czy to nie ma cos wspolnego z tym
    i jezeli wiesz jak to odpalic 22:48 [Warning] [EnhancedBanSystem] You must enable at least one Ban System to use this plugin

    2019-12-29 21:51:36 [EAC] [Error] [Cerberus] Failed to connect to the Cerberus backend. Connection timed out
    [Chat] <color=#008000ff>Witaj na naszym serwerze milej zabawy !</color>

    22:44 [Error] Failed to call hook 'cmdRoll' on plugin 'RollTheDice v1.0.5' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object)
    at Oxide.Plugins.RollTheDice.GetRollData (UInt64 userID, System.String rollname) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at Oxide.Plugins.RollTheDice.CanSeeRoll (.PlayerSession session, System.String rollname, System.String& reason) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at Oxide.Plugins.RollTheDice.cmdRoll (.PlayerSession session, System.String command, System.String[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at Oxide.Plugins.RollTheDice.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (Oxide.Core.Plugins.HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String hook, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    22:47 [Info] Loading Oxide Core v2.0.3867...

  • Globalny moderator

    @Rymuz jeżeli chodzi o chat na v1 jest on dość specyficzny i gdy używasz za dużo kolorów lub masz na sobie kilka rang na raz albo po wpisaniu jakiejś komendy wyskakuje dużo znaków jest on wstanie się zlagować na V2 ten problem naprawiona na V1 można się jedynie ratować ograniczaniem kolorów i nie używaniem powiększania tekstu itp
    Tutaj masz BetterChat bez size powinno to pomóc jeżeli chodzi rangi na chat BetterChat.zip

  • @Kub41Tap Dobra Dzieki za cala pomoc temat do zamkniecia

  • Globalny moderator

    @Rymuz Nie ma problemu 😉

  • uModundefined uMod zablokował ten temat dnia

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