@Kub41Tap sprobuje jakos ustawic i dam znac

Najnowszy post utworzony przez Rymuz
RE: Wgranie mapy na workshop
@Kub41Tap @Mroczny wlasnie mam to i wrzucilo mi mape na workshop ale ona chyba jest jakos na prywatnym a dotego pokazuje ze ma 0mb
Wgranie mapy na workshop
Witam mozna wiedziec jak wgrac mape zeby byla publiczna i dalo sie ja wrzucic na serwer
RE: instasmelt
@Mroczny oxide 2.0.3835 plugin 2.0.5 pobrany stad https://umod.pl/topic/46/instasmelt-szybkie-przepalanie?_=1589186981625
mam problem jak wrzucam plugin Instasmelt daje mi taki blad
Error while compiling: InstaSmelt.cs(22,31): error CS0103: The name `RuntimeHurtDB' does not exist in the current context -
RE: Problem z meteorem i respem skalek
@Mroczny Wlasnie usunolem cala konfiguracje i wrzucilem sam plugin i dalej to samo ale sprobuje jeszcze raz i dam znac a z tym respieniem sie skalek i zwierzat wiesz moze o co chodzi ?
Problem z meteorem i respem skalek
Witam nie dziala mi Plugin meteor i nic mi sie nie respi na mapie wydaje mi sie ze to wina oxida ale nie moge nigdzie znalezc nowszego jezeli ktos ma to prosil bym o podeslanie chyba ze to wina czego innego
03:16 [Info] Loading Oxide Core v2.0.3814...
03:16 [Info] Loading extensions...
03:16 [Error] Couldn't check for update to CSharpCompiler.exe
03:16 [Error] The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.
03:16 [Info] Loaded extension CSharp v2.0.3846 by Oxide and Contributors
03:16 [Info] Loaded extension Hurtworld v2.0.3835 by Oxide and Contributors
03:16 [Info] Loaded extension MySql v2.0.3755 by Oxide and Contributors
03:16 [Info] Loaded extension SQLite v2.0.3754 by Oxide and Contributors
03:16 [Info] Loaded extension Unity v2.0.3756 by Oxide and Contributors
03:16 [Info] Using Covalence provider for game 'Hurtworld'
03:16 [Info] Loading plugins...
03:16 [Info] Loaded plugin Hurtworld v2.0.3835 by Oxide and Contributors
03:16 [Info] Loaded plugin Unity v2.0.3756 by Oxide and Contributors
3:16 AM [Info] Added '// Reference: UnityEngine.UI' in plugin 'Stacksize'
03:16 [Info] AdminTools, AdvertMessages, AutoKickActSession, AutomaticEvents, BetterChat, BetterChatFilter, BetterChatFlood, C4Block, ChatCleaner, CustomMapName, EventFarming, ExtTeleport, Fly, GunGame, ItemBlock, Kits, LootConfig, Meteors, NameRewards, RaidBlock, RockFix, RollTheDice, ScatteredItems, SpawnConfig, SpeedQuest, Stacksize, SteamGroups, TimedPermissions and VehicleManager were compiled successfully in 2646ms
03:16 [Warning] BetterChatFilter plugin is waiting for requirements to be loaded: BetterChat
03:16 [Info] Loaded plugin Admin Tools v1.4.2 by Noviets
03:16 [Info] [Advert Messages] AdvertMessages is showing adverts each 2 minutes.
03:16 [Info] Loaded plugin Advert Messages v3.0.1 by LaserHydra
03:16 [Info] Loaded plugin Auto Kick Active Session v1.0.0 by klauz24 & ✬Kub4
03:16 [Info] Loaded plugin AutomaticEvents v1.0.0 by 531devv (531devv@gmail.com)
03:16 [Info] Loaded plugin Better Chat v5.0.16 by LaserHydra
03:16 [Info] Loaded plugin BetterChatFilter v1.2.0 by LaserHydra, jemes. and Slut
03:16 [Info] Loaded plugin BetterChatFlood v1.0.5 by Ryan
03:16 [Info] Loaded plugin C4Block v1.2.0 by ??????? ???????
03:16 [Info] Loaded plugin ChatCleaner v0.4.0 by Wulf/lukespragg
03:16 [Warning] [Custom Map Name] Custom map name is: <color=red>02.02-17:00</color>
03:16 [Info] Loaded plugin Custom Map Name v1.1.0 by klauz24
03:16 [Info] Loaded plugin EventFarming v0.0.3 by Vladimir.Kzi
03:16 [Info] Loaded plugin ExtTeleport v3.9.1 by Lizzaran
03:16 [Info] Loaded plugin Fly v1.2.1 by Mughisi
03:16 [Info] Loaded plugin GunGame v1.3.0 by Kaidoz | vk.com/kaidoz
03:16 [Info] Loaded plugin ItemBlock v1.2.0 by ??????? ???????
03:16 [Info] Loaded plugin Kits v1.0.5 by Reneb
03:16 [Info] Loaded plugin LootConfig v1.0.3 by Nogrod
03:16 [Error] Failed to initialize plugin 'Meteors v1.1.5' (JsonReaderException: Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: ,. Path '[30]', line 31, position 33.)
at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonTextReader.ProcessValueComma () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonTextReader.ReadStringValue (ReadType readType) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonTextReader.ReadAsString () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonSerializerInternalReader.ReadForType (Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader reader, Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonContract contract, Boolean hasConverter) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonSerializerInternalReader.PopulateList (IList list, Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader reader, Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonArrayContract contract, Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonProperty containerProperty, System.String id) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
03:16 [Info] Unloaded plugin Meteors v1.1.5 by Smeag
03:16 [Info] No previous version to rollback plugin: Meteors
03:16 [Info] Loaded plugin NameRewards v1.0.0 by Kappasaurus
03:16 [Info] Loaded plugin RaidBlock v1.0.3 by fermensdev + ✬Kub4
03:16 [Info] Loaded plugin RockFix v1.0.0 by fermenspwnz
03:16 [Info] Loaded plugin RollTheDice v1.0.5 by clang
03:16 [Info] Loaded plugin ScatteredItems v1.2.0 by !Dark!
03:16 [Info] Loaded plugin SpawnConfig v1.0.4 by Nogrod
03:16 [Info] Loaded plugin SpeedQuest v0.0.2 by Vladimir.Kzi
03:16 [Info] Loaded plugin Stacksize v1.2.2 by Noviets
03:16 [Info] Loaded plugin Steam Groups v0.4.1 by Wulf/lukespragg
03:16 [Info] Loaded plugin Timed Permissions v1.3.2 by LaserHydra
03:16 [Info] Loaded plugin VehicleManager v1.2.5 by SouZa -
RE: Problem z pluginami
@Mroczny Logi takie same ale pluginy i wszystko dziala wiec do temat do zamkniecia