Hurtworld V1? LootConfig i w konfiguracji pluginu wszystko pod linijką CommonLootCrate tam masz deto, silniki, farby itd.
Problem HW v2 - playerlootmode 0
Witam , po zginięciu, wypadają przedmioty z plecaka i z paska (playerlootmode 0 nie działa). Komenda znajduje się na samej górze autoexec'a. Chciałbym aby nie spadały przedmioty po śmierci.
W sumie myślałem, że to będzie bardziej skomplikowany problem. xd
Sprawdzałeśplayerlootmode 5
jak w tym temacie? -
Nie działa. Zapomniałem dopisać.
Podeślij główny log z uruchomienia serwera, sprawdzimy czy komenda w ogóle się wykonuje.
To są te logi z konosli? Host liveserver
Tak w FTP powinien być plik nazwany output.txt lub gamelog.txt
Exception executing command: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at GameManager.GetGameMode[GameModeSurvival] () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at ConsoleManager.ExecuteCommandRaw (System.String pCommand) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at ConsoleManager.ExecuteCommand (System.String pCommand) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
Set AFK kick time to 360
Loading Oxide Core v2.0.3991...
Loading extensions...
Loaded extension CSharp v2.0.4044 by Oxide Team and Contributors
Loaded extension Hurtworld v2.0.4089 by Oxide Team and Contributors
Loaded extension MySql v2.0.3760 by Oxide Team and Contributors
Loaded extension SQLite v2.0.3762 by Oxide Team and Contributors
Loaded extension Unity v2.0.3772 by Oxide Team and Contributors
Latest compiler MD5: 8ce6d27e7718e3d164766bba8833537a
Local compiler MD5: 8ce6d27e7718e3d164766bba8833537a
Using Covalence provider for game 'Hurtworld'
Loading plugins...
Loaded plugin Hurtworld v2.0.4089 by Oxide Team and Contributors
Loaded plugin Unity v2.0.3772 by Oxide Team and Contributors
AlertAreas, ClearInventory, DisableVoiceChat, HWFly, HWItemList, ItemsHelper, KillCounter, KitsV2, NoRaidZones, TimedPermissions, Timemanager and UnlimitedAmmo were compiled successfully in 0ms
Loaded plugin Alert Areas v0.1.3 by klauz24
Loaded plugin Clear Inventory v2.0.4 by Mr. Blue
Loaded plugin Disable Voice Chat v1.0.2 by Mr. Blue
Loaded plugin HW Fly v1.2.2 by klauz24
Loaded plugin HW Item List v1.4.1 by klauz24
Loaded plugin ItemsHelper v0.0.1 by Kaidoz
Loaded plugin KillCounter v2.0.3 by Mr. Blue
Loaded plugin KitsV2 v1.0.5 by Reneb
Loaded plugin NoRaidZones v2.0.2 by Mr. Blue
Loaded plugin Timed Permissions v1.5.2 by LaserHydra
Loaded plugin Time Manager v1.0.0 by Mroczny
Loaded plugin Unlimited Ammo v2.0.1 by Mr. Blue
Steam GameServer initialized
Unloading 5 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
SteamServerConnectedUnloading 5 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 3980.
Total: 13.271999 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.160000 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.059000 ms MarkObjects: 13.033000 ms DeleteObjects: 0.020000 ms)Large Frame Spike Detected: 13.79
@polonais napisał w Problem HW v2 - playerlootmode 0:
Exception executing command: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at GameManager.GetGameMode[GameModeSurvival] () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at ConsoleManager.ExecuteCommandRaw (System.String pCommand) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at ConsoleManager.ExecuteCommand (System.String pCommand) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0Pokaż jak wygląda autoexec, plik jakbyś mógł podesłać.
playerlootmode 0
servername [V2] ArenaHurt - PVP
creativemode 1
chatconnectionmessagesenabled 1
chatdeathmessagesenabled 1
afkkicktime 360 -
Zobacz ten plugin, wymusza playerlootmode na 5 czyli tylko plecak
PlayerLootMode.cs -
Nadal nie działa.