Problem z server hurtworld v1
Witam mam server do hurta server dzaiala poprawnie a w konsoli prosze o pomoc
sh: host: command not found sh: host: command not found sh: host: command not found sh: host: command not found sh: host: command not found sh: host: command not found sh: host: command not found sh: host: command not found sh: host: command not found sh: host: command not found sh: host: command not found sh: host: command not found sh: host: command not found
[Advert Messages] color=red>Witamy na Serwerze HurtMAX!/color> Starting game save to file /clients/s53542/autosave_diemensland.hwb Finished writing containers for save, waiting on save thread Writing to disk completed from background thread nd sh: host: command not found sh: host: command not found sh: host: command not found sh: host: command not found sh: host: command not found sh: host: command not found
undefined uMod zablokował ten temat dnia