• cos jeszcze zrobic teraz czy wbic na serwer i /o.grant group default extteleport.player

  • Administrator

    @rymuz99 Teraz sprawdź w logach czy normalnie się załadował.

  • 22:35 [Info] No previous version to rollback plugin: NameRewards
    22:35 [Info] Loaded plugin NoRaidZones v1.3.0 by Swat1801
    22:35 [Info] Loaded plugin RollTheDice v1.0.5 by clang
    22:35 [Info] Loaded plugin SaveServer v1.0.0 by Nixon
    22:35 [Info] Loaded plugin Server Announcer v1.0.6 by austinv900
    22:35 [Info] Loaded plugin SkipNightVote v0.1.2 by k1lly0u
    22:35 [Info] Loaded plugin SpawnConfig v1.0.4 by Nogrod
    22:35 [Info] Loaded plugin SpeedQuest v0.0.5 by Vladimir.Kzi
    22:35 [Info] Loaded plugin Stacksize v1.2.2 by Noviets
    22:35 [Info] Loaded plugin Timed Permissions v1.3.2 by LaserHydra
  • Administrator

    No niestety, ale nie podrzuciłeś całych logów.

  • zaraz wysle reszte bo nie da sie wiecej


  • jescze 1

    22:27 [Info] Server version is:
    22:31 [Info] Loading Oxide Core v2.0.3867...
    22:31 [Info] Loading extensions...
    22:31 [Info] Loading Oxide Core v2.0.3867...
    22:31 [Info] Loading extensions...
    22:31 [Info] Latest compiler MD5: 8ce6d27e7718e3d164766bba8833537a
    22:31 [Info] Local compiler MD5: 8ce6d27e7718e3d164766bba8833537a
    22:31 [Info] Loaded extension CSharp v2.0.3913 by Oxide and Contributors
    22:31 [Info] Loaded extension Hurtworld v2.0.3903 by Oxide and Contributors
    22:31 [Info] Loaded extension MySql v2.0.3755 by Oxide and Contributors
    22:31 [Info] Loaded extension SQLite v2.0.3754 by Oxide and Contributors
    22:31 [Info] Loaded extension Unity v2.0.3756 by Oxide and Contributors
    22:31 [Info] Using Covalence provider for game 'Hurtworld'
    22:31 [Info] Loading plugins...
    22:31 [Info] Loaded plugin Hurtworld v2.0.3903 by Oxide and Contributors
    22:31 [Info] Loaded plugin Unity v2.0.3756 by Oxide and Contributors
    22:31 [Info] Added '// Reference: UnityEngine.UI' in plugin 'Stacksize'
    22:31 [Info] AdminTools, AdvertMessages, AutoClean, AutomaticEvents, BetterChat, CustomMapName, EventFarming, ExtTeleport, Fly, Give, GiveItem, HandsSmelt, Infamy, KillCounter, Kits, LootConfig, Meteors, NameRewards, NoRaidZones, RollTheDice, SaveServer, ServerAnnouncer, SkipNightVote, SpawnConfig, SpeedQuest, Stacksize and TimedPermissions were compiled successfully in 1962ms
    22:31 [Info] Loaded plugin Admin Tools v1.4.2 by Noviets
    22:31 [Info] [Advert Messages] AdvertMessages is showing adverts each 10 minutes.
    22:31 [Info] Loaded plugin Advert Messages v3.0.1 by LaserHydra
    22:31 [Info] Loaded plugin AutoClean v1.0.4 by Noviets
    22:31 [Info] Loaded plugin AutomaticEvents v1.0.0 by 531devv (531devv@gmail.com)
    22:31 [Info] Loaded plugin Better Chat v5.0.16 by LaserHydra
    22:31 [Warning] [Custom Map Name] Custom map name is: <color=RED>✪ONLINE✪</color>
    22:31 [Info] Loaded plugin Custom Map Name v1.1.0 by ONLINE
    22:31 [Info] Loaded plugin EventFarming v0.0.9 by Vladimir.Kzi
    22:31 [Warning] [ExtTeleport] No config file found, generating a new one.
    22:31 [Info] Loaded plugin ExtTeleport v1.0.5 by Lizzaran
    22:31 [Info] Loaded plugin Fly v1.2.1 by Mughisi
    22:31 [Info] Loaded plugin Give v3.0.1 by Wulf/lukespragg
    22:31 [Info] Loaded plugin GiveItem v1.0.6 by Noviets
    22:31 [Info] Loaded plugin HandsSmelt v1.1.0 by Kaidoz | vk.com/kaidoz
    22:31 [Info] Loaded plugin Infamy v0.1.4 by Wulf/lukespragg
    22:31 [Info] Loaded plugin KillCounter v1.0.8 by SouZa and Mr. Blue
    22:31 [Info] Loaded plugin Kits v1.0.5 by Reneb
    22:31 [Info] Loaded plugin LootConfig v1.0.3 by Nogrod
    22:31 [Info] Loaded plugin Meteors v1.1.4 by Smeag
    22:31 [Error] NameRewards v1.0.1: Failed to load config file (is the config file corrupt?) (Error parsing NaN value. Path 'Phrases', line 3, position 15.)
    22:31 [Error] Failed to initialize plugin 'NameRewards v1.0.1' (JsonReaderException: Error parsing NaN value. Path 'Phrases', line 3, position 15.)
  • Administrator

    @rymuz99 napisał w Loot config nie dziala:

    22:31 [Info] Loaded plugin ExtTeleport v1.0.5 by Lizzaran

    Jak widać plugin się załadował, więc teraz będziesz mógł już nadać uprawnienia normalnie, tak jak wyżej pisał @Kub41Tap .

  • czemu pisalisimy w loot config xD

  • Administrator

    Czas podzielić temat xD

  • @youhosi chwila xD

  • wywala mi serwer caly czas xD to ot tego ?

  • Administrator

    Nie wydaje mi się, musisz sprawdzić zużycie zasobów.

  • @youhosi 200% tylko a co xD
    D KURWA sry za przeklenstwo wreszcie dziala ********** xD

  • Administrator

    No cóż, nowy temat i działamy.

  • uModundefined uMod zablokował ten temat dnia

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